Friday 31 December 2021

Review: OOP Concepts

OOP Concepts: Encapsulation, Inheritance (reuse properties and behaviours), Polymorphism (method overloading and method overriding), Abstraction (abstract classes and interfaces)

 - parameter (function declaration) vs. argument (function call)
 - method vs. function

 - access specifier: private (only within class), default (within the package), protected (within same package and for subclasses), public
 - abstract (just idea; define in subclass) vs. interface (all methods are abstract)
 - extends (wrt class) vs. implements (wrt interface)
 - final (cannot override)
 - static
 - super vs. this
 - static binding (method overloading) vs. dynamic binding (method overriding)

 - single-level inheritance vs. multi-level inheritance
 - multiple inheritance vs. hierarchical inheritance
 - hybrid inheritance

 - getter vs. setter
 - high cohesion vs. loose coupling