Friday 16 October 2020

Post-pandemic World

(Originally written on 25th April 2020, during the first lockdown in Europe)

The world is on the verge of a collapse. We are witnessing a transition. The world as we know it might soon be a thing of the past. The world reeks of social injustice and prejudice in the form of casteism, sectarianism, racism and nationalism. Even the developed countries are struggling to control the situation from going haywire by slipping into looting and violence.

The collapse is ecological, economic, social and cultural. The superpowers have locked horns. A 16 year old boy was hacked to death by his friends. The world is on the verge of another recession. Unemployment is on the rise. The current crisis demonstrated the extend of pollution in air and water bodies.

How should a Christian respond in these trying circumstances? The teachings of Christ has now become more relevant than ever. Instead of losing hope and giving up on life, let us inspire ourselves and pray for each other, just like iron sharpens iron. Jesus Christ did not lose hope on us. 

Can we use this time to expand the goal of our lives? Instead of worrying about our lives, family and career, can we take a step back, and look around to have an introspection. 

The classic movie 'Shawshank Redemption' portrays the power of determination, perseverance and hope. The protagonist of the story 'The Pilgrim’s Progress' faces trials and temptations throughout his journey to the Celestial Kingdom.

As I observe the chaos and uncertainty all around, I understand the spiritual nature of the world. Many things do not make sense. Let us learn to find joy in the simple things of life, the ones that we tend to take for granted---the air we breathe, the physical companionship of our friends and family. The world around us paints a picture of life that is at odds with the one in the Bible. As a Christian, it has always been challenging for me to strike the right balance between the two. 

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