Monday 29 March 2021

The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis

These are the titles I came up with for each chapter in the book:

Chapter 1: The omnibus
Chapter 2: The dark, damp, dreary Hell
Chapter 3: The bright Heaven (Real World)
Chapter 4: The mean, unforgiving man - Who are we to judge others? Are we even worthy to do so?
Chapter 5: The intellectual man - Be careful of sins of the intellect such as ego, pride or prejudice.
Chapter 6: The materialist
Chapter 7: The cynical man (the conspiracy theorist) - Is it wise to distrust everything? That's too much negative energy.
Chapter 8: The embarrassed lady - Turn your shame into something that's nourishing.
Chapter 9: The Teacher
Chapter 10: The dominating wife
Chapter 11: The possessive mother, and the man with the lizard - How to deal with addiction?
Chapter 12: The ordinary woman (Sarah Smith) and her self-centred husband - Fame on earth vs. Fame on Heaven;
Chapter 13: The tiny, insignificant, useless Hell (unreal World)
Chapter 14: The dream

Favourite Quotes:
1) "No one had a right to come between me and my son. Not even God."
2) "Don't you know that you can't hurt anyone in this country."
3) "I cannot kill it against your will. It is impossible. Have I your permission?"
4) "All Hell is smaller than one pebble of your earthly world."

1) Exploring C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Walsalam and Upadeshi

This article summarizes the book "Songs as Locus for a Lay Theology: Moshe Walsalam Sastriyar and Sadhu Kochukunju Upadeshi" written by Philip K Mathai.

Chapter 1: Sangam Age (Tamilakam, socialism, Buddhism, Jainism, Dravidian traditions); Aryan Influence (Hinduism, caste hierarchy, Sanskrit, Malayalam); St Thomas (1st century); Thomas of Cana (3rd century); Adi Sankara (8th century); Venad (12th century); Vasco da Gama (1498 CE); the Portuguese (~150 years); Synod of Diamper; Coonan Cross Oath (Catholic Church vs. Malankara Orthodox Church); the Dutch; Travancore (padmanabhadasan); the British; Revolt (Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja, Velu Thambi Dalawa); Social Reformation (Chattambi Swamikal, Sri Narayana Guru, Ayyankali, Upper Cloth Revolt, Temple Entry Proclamation); Church Missionary Society (Kottayam, Benjamin Bailey); London Missionary Society (Nagercoil); Mar Thoma Church (~1880 CE); Church of South India (1948 CE);  

Chapter 2: Doxology (praise, worship, songs, music, actions) vs. Theology (doctrines, liturgy); how various Christian traditions (Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and Eastern) differ; history of Doxology in Latin, German (Luther) and English (Isaac Watts, John Wesley, Charles Wesley); the Bhakti tradition (worship, complete submission to a personal God through word, mind and body) in India and Hinduism; locus theologicus (source of theology); 

Chapter 3: Moshe Walsalam (surname, beloved) Sastriyar (honorific, scholar); 1847-1916; born into a nadar Christian family in Trivandrum; associated with the CSI Church and the London Mission Society; trained poet, musician and composer; translated English and Tamil songs into Malayalam; Kathakalakshepam; Trust (ninte hitam...), Liberation (sneha virunnanubhavippan...);  

Chapter 4: Sadhu (honorific, sage) Kochukunju Upadeshi (honorific, preacher); 1883-1945; belonged to the Mar Thoma Church; General Secretary of the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists' Association; born in Edayaranmula; no formal training in music; the Valley of Baca; Worldly life (sojourner, ascetic way of life, transitory life); Love (sensual love); Trust (dukhathinte paanapathram...);

Conclusion: The songs written by Walsalam and Upadeshi are still in circulation in the churches of Kerala, and thus have stood the test of time. These songs are also ecumenical in nature. The songs represent the theology, faith and doctrinal stance of the laity (both Walsalam and Upadeshi were evangelists), as opposed to the theology taught by the clergy (remember Martin Luther). Finally,  the songs were products of amalgamation of the Western theology and the Indian religious culture (bhakti), resulting in a new form of doxology based on new vocabulary (e.g. devan, avataram, pey) and literary expression (e.g. love feast, end of casteism).

Monday 1 March 2021


Education is a noble activity. The mere act of gaining knowledge inherently is free from evil. It is what we intend to do with the knowledge that leads to immorality. A member of the bomb disposal squad ought to understand the internal mechanism of a bomb. Only when he has acquired sufficient amount of required knowledge can he be excellent and faithful at his job.

Roger Schank Blog

Lectures are not effective for teaching and learning. Education begins with curiosity. We learn through conversations that are dialogues in nature not monologues. In other words, a good teacher talks with the students and not to the students.

Do Schools Kill Creativity is a popular TED talk. Children are born free-thinkers --- have lots of questions, want to know everything, and are not afraid of making mistakes. However the modern education system is a factory to produce corporate slaves and brain-dead people.

“So, my advice. Know what matters to you. Learn that. Temporarily memorize nonsense if you want to graduate but have a proper perspective on it. Nothing you learn in high school will matter in your future life.” --- Roger Schank

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”―Benjamin Franklin

“Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.” ―John Dewey

ADHD, autism, dyslexia, introverts


  1. learning by teaching - learn by teaching fellow students in the class
  2. flipped classroom - (not an intuitive term) interactive learning; discussion; real-time problem solving; watch video lectures together; the lecturer or teacher is no longer primary focus in the classroom; project-based learning
  3. Jigsaw - students learn from each other; cooperative learning
  4. Education 3.0 - the marriage of technology and learning; personalised learning
  5. MOOC (massive open online course) - mass learning; e.g. Udemy, Coursera, MIT OCW
  6. homeschooling 

ഒരിക്കലും അവസാനിക്കാത്ത ഒരു പ്രക്രിയയാണ് വിദ്യാഭാസം. ജീവിതകാലം മുഴുവൻ ഒരുവൻ വിദ്യാർത്ഥി ആയിരിക്കും. ഒരു യഥാർഥ വിദ്യാർഥി എന്നും എളിമയുള്ളവനായിരിക്കും.

എന്താണ് വിദ്യാഭ്യാസത്തിന്റെ ഉദ്ദേശ്യം?  (1) അറിവ് - അറിവിലൂടെ ലോകത്തെപ്പറ്റിയും, സമൂഹത്തെപ്പറ്റിയും പ്രയോഗികജ്ഞാനം ലഭിക്കുന്നു; (2) നെറിവ് - ശരിയും  തെറ്റും തമ്മിൽ വേർതിരിച്ചറിയാൻ  ഉതകുന്നത് നെറിവു; (3) തിരിച്ചറിവ് - തെറ്റ് മനസ്സിലാക്കി  നന്മയുടെ പാതയിൽ നേർവഴി നടക്കാൻ തിരിച്ചറിവ് സഹായിക്കും. 

    അറിവ് (information), ജ്ഞാനം (knowledge), വിവേകം (wisdom)

    എന്താണ് അറിവ്? (1) വസ്തുതകൾ (facts), (2) വ്യാഖ്യാനം (interpretation), (3) വ്യവഹാരം (critique), (4) ലാവണ്യം (aesthetics, elegance)

    Tuesday 16 February 2021


    • പഴഞ്ചൊല്ലിൽ പതിരില്ല.
    • കരിമീൻ കഴിക്കുമ്പോൾ കാലൻ കൂടെ.
    • ആന കൊടുത്താലും, ആശ കൊടുക്കരുത്.
    • അന്നമല്ലേ ഉന്നം (അന്നുമിന്നുമെന്നും). ഉദരനിമിത്തം വികൃതവേഷം.
    • അമിതമായാൽ അമൃതും വിഷം.
    • കഥയിൽ ചോദ്യമില്ല; മനോരാജ്യത്തു എന്ത് അർത്ഥരാജ്യം?
    • കാരണവർക്ക് അടുപ്പിലും ** 
    • ചട്ടീം കലോം ആകുമ്പോ തട്ടീന്നും മുട്ടീന്നും ഒക്കെ വരും.
    • ചുമരുണ്ടെങ്കിലേ ചിത്രമെഴുതാൻ കഴിയൂ.
    • പട്ടിയൊട്ടു പുല്ല് തിന്നുകയുമില്ല, പശുവിനെയൊട്ടു തീറ്റിക്കുകയും ഇല്ല.
    • പുത്തനച്ചി പെരപ്പുറം തൂക്കും.
    • പുരുഷൻ കര പോലെ, സ്ത്രീ കടൽ പോലെ.
    • മത്തൻ കുത്തിയാൽ കുമ്പളം മുളക്കുമോ?
    • വേണമെങ്കിൽ ചക്ക വേരിലും കായ്ക്കും.
    • ചിറ്റമ്മനയം;
    • കടയ്ക്കൽ കത്തിവെക്കുക
    • എരിതീയിൽ എണ്ണ  ഒഴിക്കുക
    • ബന്ധുക്കൾ ശത്രുക്കൾ;
    • ചോരേം നീരും; മജ്ജയും മേദസ്സും; തഴക്കവും പഴക്കവും
    • അസ്തപ്രജ്ഞ (ബോധമറ്റ അവസ്ഥ);
    • ആപാദചൂഡം; നഖശിഖാന്തം
    • ഒരു നേരം ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നവൻ യോഗി
      രണ്ടു നേരം ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നവൻ ത്യാഗി
      മൂന്നു നേരം ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നവൻ ഭോഗി
      നാല് നേരം ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നവൻ രോഗി
      അഞ്ചു നേരം ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നവൻ ദ്രോഹി 

    Monday 4 January 2021


    ഇന്ദ്രൻ, വായുദേവൻ, യമദേവൻ, ഗണേശൻ, കാളി, വിശ്വകർമ്മാവ്, നാരദൻ, ...
    സൂര്യഭഗവാൻ, ഗംഗ, കാമധേനു, ഐരാവതം, ...
    ത്രിമൂർത്തികൾ: ബ്രഹ്മാവ് (സരസ്വതി), വിഷ്ണു (ലക്ഷ്മി or മഹാമായ), ശിവൻ (പാർവതി)
    : ഉർവശി, രംഭ, തിലോത്തമ

    കൃഷ്ണൻ (രാധ), ബലരാമൻ, രാമൻ (സീത ), പരശുരാമൻപാലാഴി മഥനം, അമൃതേത്

    ഋഗ്വേദം, സാമവേദം, യജുർവേദം, അധർവവേദം
    മഹാഭാരതം (വേദവ്യാസൻ), രാമായണം (വാൽമീകി)


    ശന്തനു (സത്യവതി) →
    ഭീഷ്മർ, വിചിത്രവീര്യൻ (അംബ, അംബിക, അംബാലിക) →
    ധൃതരാഷ്ട്രർ (ഗാന്ധാരി), പാണ്ഡു (കുന്തി, മാദ്രി), വിദൂരർ →
    കർണൻ, ദുര്യോധനൻ, ദുശ്ശാസ്സനൻ,
    യുധിഷ്ടിരൻ, ഭീമൻ (ഹിഡിംബി),
    അർജുനൻ (സുഭദ്ര, പാഞ്ചാലി), നകുലൻ , സഹദേവൻ →
    ഘടോത്കച്ചൻ, അഭിമന്യു

    ദ്രോണർ, അശ്വത്ഥാമാവ്, കൃപർ, ശകുനി
    ധ്രുപധൻ, ധൃഷ്ടദ്യുമ്നൻ, ശിഖണ്ഡി


    ഇതിലെല്ലാം ഉണ്ട്; ഇതിലില്ലാത്തതു എങ്ങുമില്ല;
    മനുഷ്യ ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ സകല മുഹൂർത്തങ്ങളും (സുഖം, ദുഃഖം, ചതി, കൗശലം, അസൂയ, പ്രയത്നം, വിജയം, പരാജയം, മരണം, യുദ്ധം, ) ഈ മഹാകാവ്യത്തിൽ അടങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ട്

    പാഞ്ചാലി വസ്ത്രാക്ഷേപം
    അരക്കില്ലം (ലക്ഷഗൃഹം)
    Palace of Illusions
    കുരുക്ഷേത്ര യുദ്ധം

    ഭീഷ്മർ, കർണൻ: ദുരന്തപൂർണമായ ജീവിതം നയിച്ച നായകന്മാർ
    ദ്രോണർ: ഏകലവ്യന്റെ ആദരവ് മുതലെടുത്തു
    ഏകലവ്യൻ: ഗുരുവിനോടുള്ള ആദരവ്
    കൃഷ്ണൻ: യുദ്ധം ഒഴിവാക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചില്ല
    കുന്തി: പ്രസവിച്ച ഉടനെ മകനെ ഉപേക്ഷിച്ചു
    യുധിഷ്ടിരൻ: പന്തയം വെച്ചുള്ള കളിയിൽ ഭ്രമം
    ഭീമൻ: ഗദായുദ്ധത്തിൽ ദുര്യോധനനെ വഞ്ചിച്ചു
    ഭീമൻ, അർജുനൻ, നകുലൻ , സഹദേവൻ: അഹങ്കാരം
    പാഞ്ചാലി: അർജുനനോട് പക്ഷപാതം

    Friday 4 December 2020

    How to be a Good Teacher: Lessons from Totto-chan

    Totto-chan (Tetsuko Kuroyanagi): charming, adorable, naughty in a cute way

    Headmaster Kobayashi: creative, liberal, pragmatic, trust-worthy, averse to publicity and marketing, love for children, passion for teaching

     - unconventional method of teaching; no specific time-table; just a list of problems and questions in the subjects to be studied on a day; classes only till noon and walks around the school and to the Temple in the afternoon

     - balanced nutritious meal; something from the ocean and something from the hills; rice, fish, meat; chew, chew, chew it well; Itadakimasu (I gratefully partake); eat slowly and take time over meal to enjoy pleasant conversation

     - swim naked; all bodies are beautiful; to avoid morbid curiosity or shame about their bodies; 

     - eurhythmics; music; rhythm of nature (pounding of rain drops on window panes); live in harmony with the nature

     - social gatherings; trip to Toi Spa; camping in the Assembly Hall; field kitchen; school walks;

     - ordinary clothes instead of uniform; no need to worry about clothes getting dirty; the children can play to their heart's content

     - public speaking during lunch hours; 

     - the students at Tomoe were trained to focus on their task and do not get distracted by what others were doing; 

     - the students knew that mean behaviour was something to be ashamed of; the students were raised with discipline; everyone got into the habit of understanding one another and trying to help

     - learning by doing; farmer teacher; farming was included in the curriculum

    "And these were the things that Totto-chan imagined: not too much study; lots of Sports days, field kitchens, camping and walks."

    Sunday 15 November 2020


    • മലയാള മാസങ്ങൾ (12) - ചിങ്ങം, കന്നി, തുലാം (തുലാമഴ), വൃശ്ചികം, ധനു, മകരം, കുംഭം, മീനം, മേടം, ഇടവം (ഇടവപ്പാതി), മിഥുനം, കർക്കിടകം
    • ജില്ലകൾ (14) - തിരുവനന്തപുരം, കൊല്ലം, ആലപ്പുഴ, പത്തനംതിട്ട, കോട്ടയം, ഇടുക്കി, എറണാകുളം, തൃശൂർ, പാലക്കാട്, മലപ്പുറം, കോഴിക്കോട്, വയനാട്, കണ്ണൂർ, കാസർഗോഡ്
    • അവാർഡുകൾ - എഴുത്തച്ഛൻ പുരസ്‌കാരം, വയലാർ അവാർഡ്, ഓടക്കുഴൽ അവാർഡ്, കേരള സാഹിത്യ അക്കാദമി അവാർഡ്
    • കായലുകൾ - വേമ്പനാട് കായൽ, അഷ്ടമുടി കായൽ, പുന്നമട കായൽ, കുമരകം കായൽ
    • നദികൾ - പെരിയാർ, നിള (ഭാരതപ്പുഴ), പമ്പ, കല്ലട, കബിനി, മീനച്ചിൽ, മണിമല, അച്ചൻകോവിൽ, നെയ്യാർ, ഇടമലയാർ, കല്ലായി, കടലുണ്ടിപുഴ, പറമ്പിക്കുളം
    • പുരാതന നാട്ടുരാജ്യങ്ങൾ
      • തിരുവിതാംകൂർ (മദ്ധ്യതിരുവിതാംകൂർ), തിരു-കൊച്ചി, മലബാർ
      • വേണാട്, വഞ്ചിനാട്, വേമ്പനാട്, വള്ളുവനാട് (കിഴക്കൻ മലബാർ)
    • ആഘോഷങ്ങൾ
      • വിഷു, ഓണം
      • ഈസ്റ്റർ, ക്രിസ്മസ്
      • ഈദ് (ഉൽ-ഫിത്ർ), ബക്രീദ്
      • ഹോളി, നവരാത്രി, ദസറ (വിജയദശമി), ദീപാവലി
    • നൃത്തകലകൾ
      • കഥകളി, മോഹിനിയാട്ടം
      • ചാക്യാർകൂത്ത്, ഓട്ടൻതുള്ളൽ
      • തിരുവാതിര, മാർഗംകളി, ഒപ്പന
      • കൂടിയാട്ടം, തെയ്യം
    • എഴുത്തുകാർ, കവികൾ
      • എഴുത്തച്ഛൻ (ആധ്യാത്മ രാമായണം), ചെറുശ്ശേരി (കൃഷ്ണഗാഥാ), കുഞ്ചൻ നമ്പ്യാർ
      • കുമാരനാശാൻ, വള്ളത്തോൾ നാരായണ മേനോൻ, ഉള്ളൂർ എസ് പരമേശ്വര അയ്യർ
      • വൈക്കം മുഹമ്മദ് ബഷീർ, തകഴി ശിവശങ്കരൻ പിള്ള, എസ് കെ പൊറ്റക്കാട്
      • സുകുമാർ അഴിക്കോട്, എം എൻ കാരശ്ശേരി, എം ടി വാസുദേവൻ നായർ, ഒ എൻ വി കുറുപ്
      • ബാലാമണിയമ്മ, കമല ദാസ്, അനിത നായർ, കെ ർ മീര
    • നവോദ്ധാന നേതൃത്വം
      • ശ്രീനാരായണഗുരു, ടി കെ മാധവൻ, കുമാരനാശാൻ (SNDP)
      • മന്നത്തുപദ്മനാഭൻ (NSS)
      • അയ്യങ്കാളി (പുലയ മഹാസഭ)
      • വി ടി ഭട്ടതിരിപ്പാട്‌
      • ഇ എം സ് നമ്പൂതിരിപ്പാട്, എ കെ ഗോപാലൻ (CPI, CPM)
      • ജബ്ബാർ മാഷ്, ജമീല ടീച്ചർ, ഷാരോൺ
      • Basel Mission (മലബാർ), CMS (മധ്യകേരളം), LMS (തെക്കൻകേരളം )
    • പ്രസിദ്ധ ക്ഷേത്രങ്ങൾ
      • ഗുരുവായൂർ ക്ഷേത്രം
      • കൂടൽമാണിക്യം ക്ഷേത്രം
      • ചോറ്റാനിക്കര ദേവി ക്ഷേത്രം, കൊടുങ്ങല്ലൂർ ഭഗവതി ക്ഷേത്രം
      • ശബരിമല ശ്രീ ധർമശാസ്താ ക്ഷേത്രം, ചെട്ടികുളങ്ങര ക്ഷേത്രം, മലയാലപ്പുഴ ദേവി ക്ഷേത്രം, ആറ്റുകാൽ ഭഗവതി ക്ഷേത്രം
      • പദ്‌മനാഭസ്വാമി ക്ഷേത്രം

    Monday 9 November 2020

    Computer Simulations and Scientific Understanding

    This article presents key ideas I heard at the talk given by Julie Schweer, KIT on Nov 09, 2020.


    What is the role of computer simulation in scientific understanding?

    Are they opaque?

    Do we really make scientific progress?



    understand a phenomenon

    experimentally intractable (infeasible?) and difficult to obtain 

    "epistemically opaque?"

    What is understanding?

     - ability to provide explanation;

     - ability to generalize; and

     - ability to predict the behavior of counterfactuals.


    Challenges in Computer Simulation

     - lead to an illusion of understanding;

     - confuse model dynamics vs. actual phenomenon;

     - does the simulation the model the phenomenon under investigation;

     - sources of uncertainty (initial conditions, hyper-parameters);

     - model assumption

    "ask clear questions; it is easy to come up with sexy answers"

    "all models are wrong; some are useful"

    Friday 30 October 2020

    Christians and the Academy

    Responsibility Towards Our University

    1. politicization of the university (academic freedom, autonomy);
    2. discrimination;
    3. ragging, physical harassment; and
    4. poor facilities and infrastructure.

    - have people around who encourage you.
    - find a place where you are accepted.
    - inter-personal relationships are very important.

    Responsibility Towards Our Society

    "change the university and you change the world."
    - Charles Habib Malik, A Christian Critique of the University

    Universities give intellectual leadership.
    Identify such universities.

    Public intellectuals:
    - Shashi Tharoor,
    - Ramachandran Guha,
    - Martin Luther King,
    - Noam Chomsky.

    Christian public intellectuals:
    - address public issues as a Christian;
    - influence public policies;
    - use public forums (blog, newspapers, TV);
    - challenge popular terminology and language (e.g. nationalism, leftist, liberal, )
    - question common assumptions (e.g. imperialism in Western, conversion is unethical, technological advancement is progress)
    - be sensitive to other's ideologies, be gentle, be wise, be bold

    How to engage in productive discussion?
    How do we communicate so that everyone understand?

    Response - 1

    Response - 2
    - wrote an article on sexism, bias in algorithms;
    - decided to write an article once every 3 months.

    Response - 3
    - encourages students to snap out of rote-learning mentality;
    - considers the classroom as a sacred space for learning;
    - feels that students have a utilitarian idea of education;
    - encourages students to think beyond grades and placements.

    Thursday 29 October 2020

    2020: Full Throttle

    What the year 2020 has offered so far?

    1. Economy
      • massive drop in GDP in nations across the world
      • blue-collar jobs, manual labor vs. white-collar jobs
      • job losses; fear of losing job or contract
      • companies going bankrupt
      • uncertainty 
    2. Mental health
      • rise in suicide rate;
    3. Students
      • graduating students; job hunting
      • virtual classrooms are not as engaging as in-person classrooms
      • lack of facilities (Internet connection, laptop) to attend virtual classroom
    4. Senior citizen
      • risk of contracting the virus
      • vulnerable age group
    5.  Healthcare
      • adequate healthcare for all
      • diligence and strength to deal with fatigue and workload
    6. Youngsters - may they have wisdom and patience to deal with the crisis
    7.  Government
      • prudent crisis management
    8. Conspiracy theories, fake news
      • biological warfare;
    9.  Environment
      • fire in Amazon rainforests
      • wildfire in California
      • wildfire in Australia
    10. Riots and protests
      • anti-abortion (Poland)
      • Black Lives Matter, racism (US)
      • anti-lockdown (Berlin)
      • Samuel Paty, terrorism (France)
      • ease in tension between Israel and the Middle East (UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia)
      • rise in tension between US and China
    Is it time to quit?
    Is the collapse fast-approaching?

    Friday 16 October 2020

    Post-pandemic World

    (Originally written on 25th April 2020, during the first lockdown in Europe)

    The world is on the verge of a collapse. We are witnessing a transition. The world as we know it might soon be a thing of the past. The world reeks of social injustice and prejudice in the form of casteism, sectarianism, racism and nationalism. Even the developed countries are struggling to control the situation from going haywire by slipping into looting and violence.

    The collapse is ecological, economic, social and cultural. The superpowers have locked horns. A 16 year old boy was hacked to death by his friends. The world is on the verge of another recession. Unemployment is on the rise. The current crisis demonstrated the extend of pollution in air and water bodies.

    How should a Christian respond in these trying circumstances? The teachings of Christ has now become more relevant than ever. Instead of losing hope and giving up on life, let us inspire ourselves and pray for each other, just like iron sharpens iron. Jesus Christ did not lose hope on us. 

    Can we use this time to expand the goal of our lives? Instead of worrying about our lives, family and career, can we take a step back, and look around to have an introspection. 

    The classic movie 'Shawshank Redemption' portrays the power of determination, perseverance and hope. The protagonist of the story 'The Pilgrim’s Progress' faces trials and temptations throughout his journey to the Celestial Kingdom.

    As I observe the chaos and uncertainty all around, I understand the spiritual nature of the world. Many things do not make sense. Let us learn to find joy in the simple things of life, the ones that we tend to take for granted---the air we breathe, the physical companionship of our friends and family. The world around us paints a picture of life that is at odds with the one in the Bible. As a Christian, it has always been challenging for me to strike the right balance between the two. 

    Wednesday 23 September 2020

    Quotable Quotes

    Please find below some interesting statements and quotes that I have been collecting for a while:
    • "Actually, it took about two days, once I got the program done, but it was eight years from the commission to the actual premiere on the East Coast." - writer's block, David Cope
    • "This one is breathtaking. I hear it's going viral. It should ideally be enjoyed in isolation" --- my comment on a video posted in Whatsapp group during the corona crisis.
    • Tools get used in the way people *choose* to use them. #freewill
    • "You don't have to be hopeful to keep fighting for a better future." --- from an article on climate change in The Economist
    • "We are NOT interested in PROGRAMS. We ARE interested in PEOPLE." --- from an weekly email blast of the LIFE church
    • "I don't have ego." #proudlyhumble --- my comment at a LIFE group session
    • "God, may I have serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, courage to change the things I can change and wisdom to differentiate between what I can change and what I cannot." --- Serenity Prayer
    • "We are not going to change the world, but at least we will be happy about it." --- Eats, Shoots & Leaves, Lynne Truss
    • "Between 1993 and 2016, eight abortion providers were killed by anti-abortion activists, along with at least four police officers."  --- Doxxing Wiki page
    • "tyranny of things" (The Pursuit of God, A W Tozer),  "molested by modernity" (Why We Sleep, Matthew Walker)
    • "The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people." --- Karl Marx
    • "Hell is a collection of individuals who are spending the bulk of their time working on a task they don’t like and are not especially good at." --- David Graeber, On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs

    Tuesday 22 September 2020

    The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis

    The Screwtape Letters is a book written by C S Lewis. The book talks about the various ways in which the Devil tempts humans. As a framework, the letters are written by a senior tempter Screwtape to his nephew and junior tempter Wormwood. Through these letters, Screwtape trains Wormwood in the art of tempting. Wormwood is assigned a human, who is only referred to as the Patient in the book. The book touches various aspects of the life of a Christian such as church, family, marriage and love.

    The Screwtape Letters presents the Biblical truths and fine-tunes them for the modern age (restaurants, industrial age, jobs, various schools of thought such as communism and socialism). The book provides a Christian with many thoughts of wisdom and practical means to deal with trials and temptations. After reading this book, certain aspects become more apparent or pronounced in daily life. We begin to actively pursue certain goals (e.g. reading a book).

    Trials vs. Temptations

    James 1: 2, 3

    Consider it pure joy, my brother, wherever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

    James 1: 12 

    Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised for those who love him.

    e.g. covid-19 is a trial; Abraham faced trial; 

    James 1:13

    When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted nor does he tempt anyone but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death

    e.g desire for absolute novelty leads to temptation;

    The Devil exploits trials to tempt humans.


    1. Screwtape rejects Wormwood's plan to use the power of reason as a weapon to turn the Patient away from the Enemy. I remember Ravi Zacharias signing off one of his books with the words “a world a reasonable faith.” Instead of overwhelming the Patient with doctrines and arguments, Screwtape recommends distracting the Patient with simple, ordinary matters of life because the pressure of the ordinary is too powerful a force to be reckoned with.

    1. Screwtape is shocked to hear from Wormwood that the Patient has committed himself to Christian and has begun attending a church nearby. Screwtape now recommends to distract the Patient with the idiosyncrasies of the fellow church-goers. The underlying idea here is the challenges associated with achieving dreaming aspirations with laborious doing. I remember the advice I received as a Master’s student that research is dirty work but the final product is a significant and original contribution to science.

    1. Screwtape recommends Wormwood to exploit the domestic tension between the Patient and his mother. The Patient should get irritated by her annoying behavior and his newfound spiritual experience should not help him deal with this crisis. The Patient should pray for her spiritual well-being and forget to pray for her physical and mental needs.

    1. Screwtape touches upon the painful subject of prayer in this letter.

    1. War has broken out in Europe. Screwtape recommends Wormwood to exploit the situation and ensure the Patient spends a lot of time worrying about his future. Wars, pandemics and recession offer uncertainty, pain, sorrow and suffering. According to Buddhism, human desire, which is the root cause of all pain and suffering, should be dampened through asceticism, meditation and good works.

    1. Screwtape admits that the Patient will have a certain amount of benevolence due to this newfound fath in the Enemy. However Wordwood should direct the benevolence towards unfamiliar, faraway people and thus rendering it an imaginary feeling. At the same time, Wormwood can direct his malice towards his friends, family and neighbours rendering it a real experience.

    1. Screwtape suggests Wormwood to exploit the European war and push the Patient to have extreme worldviews---either patriotism (so that he’s ready to take part in the ongoing war) or pacifism (so that he’s constantly disturbed by the ongoing war).

    1. The Patient is experiencing a period of dryness in his spiritual life. Screwtape reminds Wormwood not to get too excited due to the law of undulation. According to this law, the Patient goes through highs and lows in this life and the Enemy works the most in times of distress. Some people of the Enemy (e.g. Sadhu Kochu Kunju Upadeshi) have experienced long spells of distress and have come out successfully.

    1. Screwtape suggests way to exploit the period of dryness through various temptations. According to empirical evidence, sensual temptations such as scantily-clad women and pornography are the most effective. Drinking and smoking also make sure the Enemy stays subdued with constant guild and shame.

    1. Screwtape is glad to know that the Patient has made some worldly friends. Screwtape now suggests Wormwood to make the Patient lives a double life---a pious life inside the church and a carefree life outside the church. This technique makes the Patient a hypocrite and further aggravates the wound of guild and shame in the spiritual front of this life.

    1. Screwtape teaches Wormwood on various forms of laughter. Laughter can be aroused in four ways---joy, fun, jokes or humour and flippancy. The Patient should be tempted to crack lewd jokes or engage in flippancy with his friends.

    1. Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot (on the ground), without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,

    1. Screwtape reminds Wormwood to prevent the Patient from indulging in real pleasures of life such as enjoying movies, following cricket, enjoying music, reading books, walking, collecting stamps or meeting with friends. These are innocent pleasures and are not harmful in itself. “If something as pedestrian as reading a book saves one from evil, devil’s task is very difficult.” “An idle mind is the Devil’s workshop.”

    1. Humility

    1. Screwtape recommends Wordwood to make the Patient be too keen and anxious about the Future. Let the Patient spend all his time and energy chasing after the future (remember: chasing after the wind, Ecclesiastes). We do not know the what the future holds and so we strive for a better future by engaging in nobly pursuits such as social progress, evolution, communism, technological advances.

    1. Screwtape chides Wormwood for allowing the Patient to attend only one church. Wormwood ought to ensure the Patient becomes a connoisseur of churches and keeps looking for churches that suit him. Let the Patient be concerned with the unessential matters such as mass vs. holy communion, candles, clothes, jewellery, food, saints, speaking in tongues and baptism. “Mere Christianity

    1. Screwtape talks about the temptation of gluttony which can operate in two ways: gluttony of excess and gluttony of delicacy.

    1. Screwtape talks about sexual temptations. Family is a single unit composed of distinct members but united though Love. The purpose of marriage is fidelity (preservation of chastity), fertility (transmission of life) and good will (mutual help). Hell promotes competition (as opposed to co-operation), distrust and zero-sum game of life.

    1. Screwtape discusses why God created humans? The answer, even Screwtape knows, is disinterested love (“unconditional love”).

    1. Screwtape reveals the limitations of the Devil i.e. the Devil can’t tempt humans for ever. The best approach is to admit one’s weakness and have faith in God (e.g. Ecclesiastes, Job).

    1. Screwtape suggests to develop a sense of ownership in the Patient---my time, my money, my body, my God. According to the Bible, we are ought to take care of everything on earth (Genesis 1:28). We don’t own anything. We are called to be stewards on earth.

    1. Screwtape again admits the limitations of the Devil. There are many good things human can do---sleeping, washing, eating, drinking, making love, playing, praying, working. The Devil has to twist them for its own benefit. Nothing is naturally on its side.

    1. --TODO--

    1. Screwtape talks about developing a sense of spiritual pride in the Patient. Encourage him to distinguish Christians from the rest (unbelievers).

    1. Screwtape talks about the horror of the same old thing. Humans tend to get fed up with monotony and tediousness associated with routine activities in life. Human like change (seasons, months, weekend/weekday, fashion). Wormwood should attempt to twist this need and make the Patient crave for absolute novelty. This is dangerous for humans because of the law of diminishing returns.

    1. Unselfishness vs. Selflessness

    1. Prayers

    1. Screwtape reminds Wormwood that death of the Patient is something they should try to avoid as much as possible. Wormwood has the opportunity to tempt the Patient throughout his life. In this way, Wormwood can exhaust the Patient with his temptations (e.g. mid-life crisis, quarter-life crisis). Perseverance is key. “Experience is the mother of illusion (remember Roman German class)” “You don’t have to be hopeful to fight for a better future.---Fridays for Future” Humans believe that earth can be turned into heaven by politics, eugenics, science, psychology, communism. So humans work hard for a better world and create a better future.

    1. Hatred vs. Fear vs. Cowardice vs. Courage

    1. Reality

    1. Screwtape chides Wormwood for letting him die. As the Patient was dying, he saw Wormwood, the angels and God.


    The only goal of the devil is to win the human soul to its side. The Devil is not interested in what events happens on earth. For instance, Screwtape does not care about the European War (WW2).

    Devil has many limitations. Everything is naturally good---eating, drinking, sleeping. The Devil has to corrupt them to be of use.

    The temptations will keep increasing in life. Perseverance and courage are two keys virtues. Develop nice hobbies and interests---reading book, watching movies. It’s very easy to resist the devil.

    He doesn’t always tempt us with material possessions, food or love. Instead the Devil attempts to:

    • confuse the Patient (e.g. worldly friends, fellow church goers),

    • to exaggerate his minor wicked characteristics (e.g. pride, sense of ownership) and 

    • to twist naturally good aspects of life (e.g. eating->gluttony, novelty--> absolute novelty).